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Search our articles or browse by category belowI lost some TV Stations yet I did not change anything in the reception
 May 9, 2023
Due to the broadcast TV frequency repack and transition to ATSC 3.0 (NexGen TV) some broadcasters are relocating to shared towers so both ATSC 1.0 legacy programs and the New ATSC 3.0 programs can exist in the limited available bandwidth. If you have noticed that a particular TV channel you usually receive has “gone dark” (you see a black screen instead of regular programming), this doesn’t necessarily mean you no longer receive that channel. This could occur more frequently as some channels begin to move to new frequencies (learn more at This could simply mean that the location from which that channel was broadcasting has changed, but your reception of the channel shouldn't.
Performing a new channel scan on your television or converter box will allow the TV to refresh the broadcasting signal for that channel, and it should show up just as before. As a general rule, it is recommended to scan for channels periodically throughout the year, especially after periods where there has been a shift in the weather. Keep in mind, this is a long term but temporary transition that will result in many benefits for the consumer. If you continue to have reception problems on channels you were able to receive prior to the changes, you may choose to contact the affected local TV station, as they want you to be able to receive their content and may be able to offer additional advice.